I Can't Hope

I can't see you,
I don't know where you are,
There's too much darkness,
I hope you're not too far.

But I can't hope,
I've tried it before,
Every time I do,
It results in a closed door.

I'm lost,
Can you try find me?
But there's too much darkness,
I can't see.

Come back?
I don't know where I am,
I need you here,
I'm trying to keep calm.

But I can't hope,
Will I ever find you?
I'm alone,
I don't know what to do.

Please come back,
Before it's too late,
The darkness is everywhere,
I can't really wait.

But I'll never find you,
I waited too long,
I can't even hope,
I don't know what went wrong...