If Only

If Only,
Love were always as we imagine it to be.
A fall;
Into pink fluffy white clouds
and rainbow skies
decorated with purple and pink forget me nots,
butterfly filled stomachs and
warm mushy feelings
that melt us inside out.

If Only,
Love were always as we see it;
a couple walking side by side,
a mother cradling a newborn baby
or even the soft peaches and oranges of a rising sun.

If Only,
Love were not burdened with the reality of gravity
and we did not have to land
on the hot, burning, hard ground of truth
where there is only room left for
disappointment, hurt and betrayl.

If Only,
Love would remain forever
Like a still life picture that captures and hold
happiness into a freeze frame,
that it would remain an eternal happy ending -
a flame that never withers or dies.

If Only.