Will This Ever End?

You’re starting to get mad again.
Am I going to get hit this time?
You’re screaming at me, telling me this is all my fault.
“Why can’t you do anything right?”

You tell me over and over again,
That I’m good for nothing.
You say I’m useless,
And that everyone’s life would be easier without me.

I try to stay hidden and out of your way.
But no matter what I do you always find a way to blame me.
It’s my fault that nothing’s going right.
I’m the reason why you’re always angry.

You say everything would be perfect if I wasn’t around.
You say I’m the reason why Mom never smiles;
Why when she comes home, she locks herself in her room,
And begins to cry.

You constantly remind me that I mess everything up,
And you repeatedly say that you wish I would just die.
One day, I’ll have had enough, that I’ll sneak out the window.
And I’ll leave without saying goodbye.

It wouldn’t make a difference to you.
You never have cared.
My anger is like a red mask,
Hiding the fact that I’m scared.

I just want things to be okay like before.
I want to be a family again.
But things just continue to get worse.
Will this ever end?