working it off - you'll see

if i just keep trying
ill get rid of them i swear
they'll be gone forever
and you can look at me
like i'm not just another fat girl
with the flab on her arms
and also as the one who
cant fit in her jeans
and they make her look
like she has a big ass
which she does.
if i just keep trying
ill get rid of them
i will and they'll be gone
and maybe i'll finally
be respected just a bit more
i flaunt my ugly curves
like its just a sickness that
will eventually pass within
time but no, words actually hurt
and im sorry you don't see that.
see, the thing is, I hate being this way
but everytime i feel upset.
and i can't write,
chocolate is my savior
because my friends don't have time
for me and they never will
so why put a burden on his/her
shoulder when they have enough?
when i can just eat it out
and get over it?
funny, when it all disappears,
you'll prolly make fun of me because
im too skinny...
all of a sudden
♠ ♠ ♠