
The adrenalin starts to pump
And my body goes numb
That is when i know i can
Get through it all without a helping hand

You judge when you see
The jagged red lines on me
But i doubt you'll ever understand
How my Razor is my confiding friend

When im all alone at night
And no one can see my heart's fright
That is when i deemed time
To allow the blood to run as wine

Gently and willingly do i
Begin my careful crude slice
Into my wrist, my skin
I punish myself for other's sin

I watch as the blood begins to flow
Pain, hate, hurt and broken dreams all go
Sliding out of my veins
Onto my skin-leaving blood stains

All my adrenaline has pumped
And my body is still numb
But not because of the cuts from before
But because you break my heart more and more.