Never Too Late

Lost in a sea of anxiety
That you cannot seem to escape
You fear the calamity
That ridicule has helped to create.
You’ve struggled for years
Against the tide of your peers
Who took pride in causing you pain
And leaving you alone in the cold rain.

Time has since passed
But now you’ve become obsessed
With your lack of self esteem
Receiving respect has become your dream.
Afraid to open up you shut others out
So you become shrouded in doubt
That there is somebody you can trust
Before your tender heart will burst.

Sitting all alone in the dark
Feeling the mockery’s mark
You don’t think the tears will slow
When you’ve never felt this low.
You look up to see a friend giving you a smile
And you realize they’ll go the extra mile
Finally ready to end your journey away from hate
To find happiness you now know it’s never too late.