Lemon Wedges and a Flying Cactus

Lemon wedges and a flying cactus,
Why don’t you just write anything and don’t even attempt to rhyme,
The meaning makes itself when you write,
and the meaning doesn’t have to be something especially important,
Writing is an outlet,
And this outlet is one not used enough,
It’s a way to develop your skills,
And get your insides out,
Your brain is amazing,
it’s its own being and doesn’t represent anyone else,
Your brain is you,
and you control your brain,
Write what you want,
Let it flow,
Let the words grow,
If you rhyme it doesn’t have to be done well,
It’s the meaning behind it that people are reading.

This is my outlet,
One that I’m proud to have,
One that I’m proud to share,
With my friends,
My people,
The people who care.