
A Rose is Red
We assume it means Love
But it could mean so much more
Like blood being shed
From innocent people
Or Satan's flames
Being unleashed from hell
To punish those who

A cute little cherub is supposed to be
A sign of love but there must be
A reason why he shoots an arrow
Straight through the heart
After the love begins to wear off
We are left to deal with the peircing pain
From that arrow he shot straight through our heart

A Grim Reaper is seen
As a bringer of tragedy and a murderer
But how about those who could no longer live
In peace and were forced day after day
To live in Pain until he brought them
An eternal slumber to replace the life of pain

The color red is said to represent love
But when innocent blood is spilled
Is it not red?
And when we are flushed with anger and hate
What color do our cheeks bathe in?
Red is also said to be the color of lust
The very lust that causes a man to betray
His wife and family for just one moment of pure pleasure

A Spider is seen as a venomous monster
Praying on the innocent
But what about the other bugs
Who could plague the world
if they had the numbers
What would we do without Mr. Spider
To come along and save us
From a world ruled by bugs

We see what we'd like to
But eyes have been known
To decieve and cheat us
Look a little closer
And you just might
See that everything
Is not as it seems!