Don't trust me

You trusted me
even though i'm a liar
but now you see
i'm like a fire

destructive in every single way
don't get too close, just stay away
I promised you no more scars
but I'm drawn to the blade like a smoker to his cigar
you gave me the knife for my own protection
instead it was used for self rejection

the dissapointment when I looked in your eye
was more painful than any way I could die
my amazing brother, my hero, my savior
ashamed at my stupid behavior

I betrayed your trust
with a simple blades thrust
yet still you trust me?
Why don't you see?
your just going to get hurt
I'm lower than dirt

Yet still now when I look in your eyes
I see no anger or distrust arise
all I see is is a brothers love
"Protecting like the armered glove"

I'm sorry for everything that i did
for everything that I hid
I love you and I always will
I just wish you knew better than to trust me still