The Unrecognized Cure

A thousand candles to be lit is such an onerous task.
For many nights with fiery lights seem so dark and alone.
But if you close the gate to your lights fate the loneliness will last.
Did you just assume you had to illuminate them on your own?

You have a reason; you emphasize the ugly in society,
So you close your heart, your mind, your soul to save it, to be pure,
You save yourself, yet you can hardly trust yourself entirely.
Tell me how this is stopping the hatred; how is it providing a cure?

Burying your secrets and past deep into your chest,
Scared of the world the way it is but also scared of it changing.
So caught up in yourself you become as coldhearted as the rest
You watch in silence as the lights go out and fading..

If only you knew how people would connect to a common cause.
Finding the light inside each person each to light a candle's task.
You could be the leader that makes the evil pause.
The task would be so simple, so pure; the light would last.