To Save Him A Bullet Shall I Take

She turns a corner
And runs down the street
She clutches her stomach
As another pain surges through it
She bleeding heavily
But refuses to abandon him.

She hears a yell
And a reply even louder
She tries to run faster
But stumbles and falls
As pain sears in her open wound
She rests for but a second.

Getting up she races around the next corner
And dashes into the alley
She sees him standing there
Facing her foe to protect her
To keep her safe
She screams but no sound is made.

She sees a hand move into a pocket
And something is pulled out
She runs to him still holding her side
She jumps in front
As the trigger is pulled
And no bullet reaches him.

Her enemy runs
For fear of the consequences
She falls to the ground
He falls to her side
She knows there’s no hope
So she whispers “I’m sorry”.

She looks in his eyes
And touches his cheek
She wipes his tears and holds his hand
He knows she’s dying
So all you hear between them is “I love you”
As her hand falls for the last time.