Cant turn back

I've watched that little child
with dimpled cheeks and small hands,
grow into an adult to fast
a new story she don't understand.

Her parents taught her nothing,
left her cold and alone inside
where no one held her hand.

This girl tried to make it happen
Tried to live out on her own
she needed to find her way
Needed to find a new home

the world bit her constantly
life never seemed fair
she tried and tried with all her might
but wont find her there

she needs to built a home.
without her mom and her dad
but if she leave and returns
she'd live just as bad

the life they built, it works
they can do what they needs.
but without understanding of real life
her world will crumble.

she has no choice but to push on
to claw her way out of the cracks
because once she leaves