cutters temptation.

The razor blade stares at me.
With its sharp point.
Begging to be picked up.
Like a lost puppy.
Glancing over at it every two seconds.
Begging to be dragged across my pale scared arm.
I tell myself.
You can’t do this.
You promised you would quit.
I can’t not do this.
I feel as if I'm being drawn to the blade.
Please somebody help me.
Before I do the damage.
That my mind aches for.
That crimson line that used to be.
Oh so familiar.
Me and him used to be great friends.
I used to visit him often.
Till I was caught.
Please just let me.
Just this once.
I promise I will never do it again.
Please Lauren.
Don’t give in.
Just do it.
No don’t.
One time wont affect you.
Yes it will.
Just do it.
The voices in my mind fight.
Picking up the blade.
I already feel less numb.
You won.
Say hello to the old Lauren.
Because she was much better off cutting.
Then suffering in silence.
I am a cutter.
Yet again.