To My Future Husband (Part 2)

Honey ,
dont you ever cry,
because I'll cry for you.
and want to see you smile forever.
Your smile amazes me,
and makes me smile too,
out of happiness,
because I am sure you're happy too

We are perfect,
just the way we are.
We often have the same thoughts,
as if we were one person,
and we've been taken apart,
but found each other again

Six more years,
I tell myself,
and then I'm all yours forever,
on paper, black and white.
Finally I'll be with you,
every day,

In ten years,
we will watch our first child grow,
made out of love,
to become another loving creature,
filling this world,
with more love
and sunshine

We will watch,
as our children become teens,
and then responsible adults,
having their own loving family,
with beautiful and lovely grandchildren
and they will raise their children,
just like we did, with endless love

Seventy more years,
and we will sit side by side,
staring at each other smiling,
enjoying ever second,
we spend together,
like we've always done
And death shall never take us apart