No More Sleep

I lay awake for hours
Wishing I could sleep
But it doesn't ever come
And even if it does,
My alarm comes right after

Every morning
I have a headache
I feel no hunger
Ony nausea
And lots of other
Aches and pains

I get up and look at myself
Who is this girl?
This skinny girl,
With big black circles for eyes
Whose bones pop every morning
As if she is a walking skeleton
My emotions are,
Eating me alive

I only wish I could go back
Back to a time where everything
Was as perfect as it coud get
I was finally, actually, and truly
Happy, peaceful, me

Before that I was a ghost
Then I was alive agian
And now I'm slowly dying
When will this pain subside?
My mother says,
Everything will get better
But I know it will just keep changing
I can't see the end.
Only emptiness.

So I continue getting ready,
I put on my mask,
A fake smile,
And walk out the door,
Like I always do.