Shades Of Grey

Different colors
on the same background
All around town
different shades of grey shine
and if god save the queen
than god damn us all

It's a large cult
Football and shitty intrests
Getting brainwashed on the internet
With kerosine breath
and the spark of thought
Let's burn this city
I wann revolt
from this damned cult

An individuality
of similarity
Fire in our veins
but ice in our hearts
Never start
but when will it start

If it's power to the people
then we're pathetic
Minds robbed
Knowledge is power
Power to the people
Revolt from the cult

If a neutral country never prospers
Then how can an apathetic mind ever foster
the hopes of a generation
the blood of our society
you throw it in your own face

It's a large cult
Football and shitty intrests
Getting brainwashed on the internet
With kerosine breath
and a spark of thought
Let's burn this city
I wanna revolt
From this fucking cult

If it must start sometime
why not now
If we walk in the dark already
why not run
our footsteps will light the sparks
and the fire will extinguish the shade
♠ ♠ ♠
This all started when I looked at the geometery teacher's whiteboard. heh.