Tonight We Dance.

Tonight, under these unforgiving stars,
we'll play a song,
and tonight that sad song will be danced to,
and yes,
we'll smile.

Our chest ache with the pain as our frozen toes shift back and forth across these icy tiles.
The tears will spill over onto our cheeks,
and our tortured hearts will be drunken with sadness,
with confusion,
with the sensitivity of lost love,
with lonliness.

We cry, realizing that our body runs on tears, not water.
We'll wonder if we can cry ourselves to sleep,
can we cry ourselves to death,
but we won't mind escaping this feeling.

We ask ourselves why we can't stop the tears,
because we've lost our way,
because we've found out love's little secret,
because we're left alone to dance to this sad song.

We'll stumble,
our knee's well trimble beneath us,
and we'll fall to the floor,
but still,
we must dance.

Tonight under these unforgiving stars,
we'll smile,
smile because we're feeling the warmth in our toes,
smile because the tears have dried,
we'll smile because the end is near,
the end of this sad song.
♠ ♠ ♠
Inspired by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [weird i know right]
the part when Harry and Hermione dance
the poems basically about depression :P