Your different...

Don't do me wrong like the others have...
I don't think I could take another heart break...
I don't think I'd live...

Your my world..
My everything..
My life..
I know I've said this all a million times.. 
But I just can't lose you.. </3

I don't know why...
But I worry...
I worry I won't be enough for you..
Or you'll get bored and leave..
I mean I've given you the right to go if your unhappy...
But... I don't know what that would do to me...

I believe *ever* word you say..
I trust you with my life...
I trust you with this heart you've fixed...
But I don't know why I still worry....
Stupid past.....
Stupid heartache..

Your different from everyone I've ever known...
I've ever met..
I've ever been with..
Please keep your promises....
Please remember what I've told you...
Please remember how I truly feel and what has happened.. To the both of us..
Hold my heart like how you hold me...
I'll always love you...
Even if this doesn't work..
I hope it does..
So far it has...
As I said..
Your different baby..

I Love You Nathan... <3 </3
♠ ♠ ♠
*sigh* I'm fucked up..