
I feel magic course through me like lightening through steel,
It awakens my soul, lets me feel.
An addictive angel, not a curse, but a spell.
That let's you taste heaven, when you've had enough of hell.
This life changing power that makes your heart beat,
Causes this feeling, this unexplained heat.
Makes you lose yourself, dance on your own,
This amazing power, felt by all, but still unknown.
Whispers fill my lungs, and screams claim my every vein,
This magic is a wall between my mind, and that of the sane,
It heaves all emotion to the surface of your mind,
The greatest magic you'll ever find.
It's hard to know the first touch, it's been here since I could feel,
It's the only thing I consider lasting and real.
This magic is better than any drug induced stuper.
This power is natural, untouched and pure.
This power owns us all, because noone can deny this,
This bond is something, this is a bloood promise,
A promise of a savious when your sould goes cold.
This power equals nothing you can be sold.
There is no power greater because there's beauty in this.
In this magic, this enchantress.
The words of a poet that leave your mind in awe,
and the sound of a magician, so outstanding, so raw.
It holds the power to life, the power to make it,
the power to save it and the power to take it.
This is a rejoice for the saved,
Sympathy for the Damned,
An addictive angel,
And all I've ever had.