Lil Light

Growing so cold
Lil light in the distance
Growing smaller and smaller as time runs its course
Not knowing why this lil light was going dim

Once so bright
Full of passion and care
Now it shivers as it slowly dies
Losing its hope

Trying so hard it crawls to the warmth
Trying to show how much it wants
How much it wants to live
Is that too much?

Slowly it succumbs to its fate
No one looking at or caring about this lil light
A bigger force has come over
A force who knows not the correct decisions

Fading into the dark it feels lost
Losing its hope
Yet onward it tries to grow bigger
All on its own

This little light loses more and more hope as time goes by
As no one seems to notice it
The more people ignore it
The sooner it dies….
♠ ♠ ♠
One of my closest friends destroyed me from the inside out. The memory of what she did lives on through here.