Falling for false love

I hear a pin drop in the hollow of my soul

Realizing the emptiness in my heart

The heart that broke too many times to count

The heart that knows love and knows hate

But is still ignorant to the fact that it can still break

Not knowing if the person is right or wrong for me

It can only see the thin line of love

Not the real affect that love can do to the heart

Not knowing that when he says 'I love you' if it's the truth or a lie

It just falls for those three words not knowing when he'll just break it again

Loving that small affection he gives

Just wanting to be seen

Not blending in the background

Being stood out

But it still doesn't know

But it still doesn't realize all the pain it went through

All the hate and third degree burns

As it makes wrong turns

Making wrong decisions

Not realizing how it deteriorates after each break

Not realizing that it's addicted to love

Addicted to false love

So blinded to what true love is

Only knowing what fake love is

Having the low down on being used

But still not giving a fuck

A slut to fake love

Wanting it

Needing it more than anything

A drug corrupting it's feel for true love

But then becomes scared

Scared that it'll be broken again

When the mind already knows

Knows the pain that will come next

Feeling sympathy for the heart

But being overpowered by the heart

Always losing the battle when it knows the right decisions

But the heart was already deep into the fake love

Falling with no way out

Being too late to be saved

Then when it breaks it leaves the soul hollow

So hollow that you can hear a pin drop.