Love Signs

When he says 'you're beautiful' instead of 'you're sexy' shows that he sees the real you.
Knowing that he loves you.

When he gives a sweet kiss to the lips instead of it being full of lust shows that he cares for you.
Knowing that he charishes you.

When he grabs your hand just for the heck of it shows that he wants you.
Knowing that he acknowledges you.

When he's there comforting you in your worst moments shows that he's there for you.
Knowing that he's dedicated.

When he laughs at your jokes even when you know they aren't funny shows that he wants to see your smile.
Knowing that he wants to see happy.

When he says that you're perfect shows that he wants to see you blush.
Knowing that you're everything.

When he says 'I love you' with so much emotion in his eyes shows that he's telling the truth.
Knowing you love him too.

Love is not just a word to get in your pants or a word that just wants you to hear.

Love is an emotion, an affection, an action.

Love is showed by signs.

Love is powerful so don't fuck with it.