Today, Today, Today

‎The pages you write every night are
the drama you put on,
They are words in a song.
A note held high.
Hollow, shallow, you sure aren’t what I want inside.
Hollow, shallow, I’m sure not what I want inside.
Hollow and shallow. Shallow and hollow.
But there's more to be seen,
Put away the masks.
Let’s all get to the same page.
Your failures and my failures
How triumphant to me!
Looking inside and seeing nothing,
I’m figuring it out.
What do I want myself to be?
Who do I want myself to be?
I’ve got a frown on my face and
A smile in my pocket.
Today Today Today
Cut a break.
Hint an apology
Make every little whisper
A lullaby.
Sing the dirty words
In every bad song and lustful touch.
Today Today Today
Was my yesterday,
And your tomorrow.