Just Look

I don’t look at myself in the mirror anymore because I’d have to see all of me. Now, I just see my face.

I see the hair that I leave messy. I see the dead hair that I used to make come alive.

I see the clear skin and no make up to enhance it.

I see the brown eyes that used to sparkle. I see all of my eyelashes and how dark and thick they are. I see my eyebrows, how they naturally curve as if they are gliding through the air but I also see all the little hairs that should be taken away.

I see the perfect nose for a silhouette. I can tell where the bridge in my nose is but no one can see it.

I can see the teeny tiny freckles and the faint scars on my right cheek. I see the lines where my dimples are. I see the way-to-rosy cheeks that bubble up when I laugh.

I see the dents in my forehead that I’ve had all my life.

I see the faint visibility of hair on my upper lip that I wax off whenever possible. I see the small upper lip and the pouty pink lower lip. I see the crookedness of my mouth.

I see the cleft in my chin that only shows when I genuinely smile.

I see the… I see the imperfection in my not-so-beautiful-face. I see how one side is not symmetrical with the other. I see how no matter how hard I try; I cannot use makeup to cover up my imperfections. I see this imperfect face.

Honesty is the mirror that you won’t look into. Honesty is a whisper in your ear that you just barely catch. It can make us feel ugly. Honesty is the magnifying glass, the closer look.