
I look out the window,
I see the snow on the ground.
A faint tugging at my heart,
& then not a single sound.

I feel a hope for tomorrow.
Maybe, life will be better then.
After all the hope & then all the sorrow,
I think I'm finally ready for the end.

I always hoped I'd belong somewhere,
& now I've finally found it.
A place warm, and safe, and full of care,
As the city's twinkling lights are lit.
The pilot says you've arrived,
& Pittsburgh looks especially fine tonight.
I just hope I can stay,
Because maybe it will be home someday.

Home is isn't really anywhere,
I've never felt wanted or rare,
But maybe that's all over.
A place I can be free,
Be myself and love who I am,
Oh yeah, I think Pittsburgh's for me.


I always hoped I'd find myself somewhere,
& now I've finally found it.
A place safe where I'm not scared.
As the city's lights twinkle their say,
They guide me along.
I've found hope in a city today,
Pittsburgh take me away.
Pittsburgh, can I stay?
Pittsburgh, show me the way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Everybody needs to belong somewhere..... <3