is about

Eric Burdette is about being nice honesty trustworthy smart entertaining
Eric Burdette is about making friends trying to make people laugh attending clubs
Eric is about trying hard and almost never giving up doing best being organized weird
Family is about having a mom and dad that love you smart sister crazy big brother and annoying little brother and dog
Friends are about having fun enjoying life each other laughing crying playing
being different but the same
Friends are about having a companion someone who’s always at your side listens to you appreciates you keeping secrets
School is about seeing your friends being bored to death getting piles of homework working hard for no reason
having cool teachers
The media is about watching TV all day reading books enjoying laughing crying during movies TV series music listening to iPod reading the newspaper magazine 9/11
Hobbies are about having free time doing what you enjoy what you love
doing what you hate
Life is a never-ending road
Life is about making hard choices knowing who you are what to do why
Life is about knowing what to do-how to where when why
But! Who cares? What’s the point? Is this what we are really about?