He couldn't stop me.

I'll run before he can catch me
And find the bridge before he does
And I'll stop him before he can stop me
Because I'm invincible before he can copy.

And he can try all he wants to reach for me.
But he won't get there before I jump.
He made a promise to not let me be
But I got there first to jump where he could see.

He can say he almost caught me
And he can say he just about missed me.
Even though he was no where near.
The distance between us was quite clear.

And I could stop the tears before he could stop mine.
And I could be there before he could catch up.
I could stay there forever and just care
I could stay there forever and just stare

But he, has nothing to say
He has nothing to prove
He couldn't do one thing
He had no bells that he could ring

You know I could say I was there
and I could say that I cared
But he, he had he had...
I don't even know what he had, isn't that sad?

He could be on top of the world before I could start running.
He could start the smile before I frowned.
He could make the sun shine before I brought the rain,
but he could never be happy before I brought the pain.

And even though I'm gone now and he's regretting
he really never could do anything to stop me
Because I wasn't in anyone's grasp or knowing
And the symptoms and signs were not showing

And you know he said he was quite upset
disappointed he had nothing on me
I said don't let me
and he said You get me

I said don't let me fall
This is not what I want.
He said don't worry I got you
He lied because there was nothing he could do

and yet he still blames himself for it
there is nothing anyone could say
I know it is not his fault and he does too
It's just he knew this all along and well..there was nothing
♠ ♠ ♠