Blue Eyed Angel

Blued eyed angel watch over me,Let your arms carry me .
Protect my soul, protect my heart. You're a never fading lover.
Your love sitting in wait, you perfect man.
The name I speak speeds up the heart you've claimed.

Everlasting angel longing for a human touch,
How I crave your lips, yearn to see that face
Anxiously waiting for those deep blue eyes that brighten the sky.
You thieving angel my soul you save.

With black wings and pure heart, my savior in the sky.
Heal my body and save my heart. You're a never judging lover.
Grasp my hand hold it tight never let me fall from your sight.

Innocent angel, with eyes so sweet searching the world around you,
Faithful and Righteous to the end your love never fades.
Being left behind is a crumbling world your tears so sweet
Blued eyed angel let me watch over you,Let my arms hold you.
♠ ♠ ♠
A poem I wrote for my best friend Brooke. We have a scary love for angels lol.