You think

You think because you know
You think because you think you know
You think because you hate him,
I should listen to you and stay away.
I don't think so, sister.
He's my best friend.
If you don't like me being friends with him,
stop being friends with me.

You think because you know
You think because you think you know
You think because you hate him,
that she should fall out of love with him
and get over him.
Shut up.
She has to follow her heart, and you're not helping by whispering threats into her ear.
If you don't respect and support her feelings,
fuck off.

You think because you know
You think because you think you know
You think that you don't need help from us
and you can do everything by yourself
you think you and your best friend are completely different and there is not one thing you have in common.
What a lie.
You're both controlling, know-it-alls and biased, selfish bitches.
Change or get outta my life.

You think you know everything.
So you think you're in the correct position to judge me.
I'm a sarcastic bitch. It's who I am.
If i get too much for you, step back.

You think you know everything.
So you think you can stand up to me and scare the shit out of me.
You think you can change me.
You think you could beat me up if i threatened you.
You think you think you think, but you know nothing.

I don't get scared easily.
You can't change me. I'm no puppet.
I would allow you to beat me up, and i wouldn't fight back.
You think if I get too much you can yell and scream and I'll back off.

Well guess what?

You're wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
a letter to a friend.