New School

Sitting alone,
Picking at a sandwich
Amber eyes trained
On the concrete floor,
Watching an ant
Scuttle off to
Land unknown.
Perhaps it cares for me?

Now staring ahead
Watching others
Ignoring my existence.
For really,
Who cares
About that one kid
That cross-dresser kid
Sitting alone?

Thinking of friends
Long gone,
In another school.
Wondering if
Just perhaps
They are in
The same boat as me?

Sitting alone
Is that girl
Who looks
Like she was
Born to the wrong gender.
The quiet girl,
The lonely girl.
And who is she?
But me.

Hear a thump
On my left.
Turn to
This new presence.
A smiling face,
A caring face.
I open my mouth
To greet this new friend.