To the Damaged Souls

To the Damaged Souls,

I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry for those liars who pretend to be my brothers and sisters
the ones that don't know the truth.
They stuck you with knives
in the name of "God".
They don't know Him.
And I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry and I'm so sad.
And scared that they might have broken you.
And you might never know
the God that the liars never knew.
The One who loves
more than anybody ever could.
I'm so sorry they condemned instead of loving you.
I'm so sorry for the ones who hate
when they were supposed to heal
and love you and care for you.
I'm so sorry for their ignorance
and witnessing it brings me to tears.
I'm so sorry.
Please return so I can love you
and stitch the wounds
and show you who God really is
and how much he loves you.
I'm so sorry.

Your sister, a daughter of the Healer
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This is a letter poem I wrote for school. It's written to people who have been hurt by "Christians" who have judged them.