Dear Bitch Who Used To Be My Friend

You say She's insufficient
she's stupid
she's immature
all behind their backs
you don't understand
I just stand up for them
and you bitch out
like I'm the wrong person

Like I'm the crazy
one? really? because that
totally makes sense.
I never realized how bossy
you could be. you say don't
get mad at you because
you're director and you have
all this drama in your life?

what the fuck? you think you
have drama? what? I have more
drama than you will ever have!

you live above a fucking nail
salon and you are fucking rich
and all you have to worry about is
all the guys that are in love with you
and getting good grades. that's all that
matters with you. that's all.

you think I'm a downer?
me? i have a hard life. my dad might lose
his job. our family might be on the streets.

you are fucking rich and will get into a fine college
i have to save everything just to go to one that
will maybe accept me. you wanna follow your dreams?
i have to dream to follow mine. I can't just say Oh yeah
i will follow my dreams. it just all depends on the money
which you have a rich supply of. not all of us do.

you think you need respect. you think you
have authority to cut me out of club?
go ahead, better off without your stupid club.
no, of course i don't respect you,
you just trashed all three of your closest
friends and who knows what you say
about me behind my back! i never trash them!
never! and i care about them unlike you!

you say this is why we don't hang out?
we never hung out! we we're sorta friends
but yet you still say we're friends and it doesn't
feel like it. you say im a downer?
you don't even know me! you say I judge!
I've never even judged you! We all judge, but hell
you just judged all you closest friends, and trashed
them, nonetheless.

so you know what?

fuck you.

i don't care anymore.

fuck you.


fuck your stupid


♠ ♠ ♠
dear lynn.