Quick Fix

Words rush from between my lips,
My head is filled with those dark lies of yours.
And yet the page remains blank.
My hands are fists,
My teeth are clenched.
Lies slip from your tongue like sweet poison.
That same poison I used to drink up like liquid sugar.
You're a scar,
You're the blood,
Somehow I just can't get rid of you.
I need to forget you,
Your touch and smell,
It needs to be wiped from my memory.
The blade just doesn't do that anymore.
I've tried the fire, the quick fix that blisters.
Smoke fills my lungs,
Eyes water from the fumes.
But it feels good,
Sooths the pain, fogs up my mind,
So I can't hear you, see you, smell and feel you.
It's driving me mad,
And this is my release.
Now the page is full,
Let me lie down and enjoy the rest of the time I have left.
It wont be long now,
Until all the blood is gone,
Replaced by smoke.
♠ ♠ ♠
You're no longer in my thoughts. You've served your purpose and now I've moved on.