out of control

Right now,
all i can say for myself is wow,
look at whats become of me,
i wanna trust you,
but i cant tell you,
all the shit im putting myself through,
my pain is my fault,
dont blame anyone else,
they mightve done it to me,
but i told someone,
who told someone who told someone else,
now i got the cops on my case?
i should of just kept my mouth shut,
but i thought i trusted you,
now look at me,
im screwed up completely,
so dont go get me the alchahol,
cause if you do,
ill drink it,
im out of control,
and i cant stop me,
i just want to go back,
to when i loved life,
to when i was happy with who i was,
with the friends i had,
who i was happy with,
bring me back to where i belong,
cause i dont belong in this land,
just take me home...