I Made A Letter For You, But Instead, I Turned It Into A Song

Note: This was purely made for humor. Obviously... The reason I call this a Fall Out Boy parody is because, like Fall Out Boy's music, the lyrics are kind of random and the title is long. So...yeah. But don't take this the wrong way, because I actually like Fall Out Boy. xD

As I put my letter in the mailbox,
I heard the mailman moan from all the way next door.
A whisper, a moan, a dream of envelopes
And unicorn horns.

A matched melody of you and me
The field of footballs grows
With apples, and oranges, and peacock feathers
And balloons in the shape of elves.

The gold on the other side of the rainbow
Is always golder on the other side.
And music is filled with notes from the mailman
Who's moaning like a constipated dog.

The screwdriver inside the screw
Is me and you with a side of straws
As thick as a balloon whale's turd
And pus that comes from blisters
Of chickenpox sisters
And Florida's presidential debates.