Slowly Fading

My burdens becoming even heavier,
My heart slowly turning to solid stone.
Any hope that I ever had, slipping away from me.
My soul fading faster and faster into a black abyss of nothing.

My entire existance unraveling completely.
I'm stripped down to my darkest secrets.
I'm left completely broken, not ever to be fixed again.
There's nothing to cover my freshly opened scars or my heavy tears.

Painful memories branding me, buring into me.
Old scars bleed like new, leaving their stain once again.
I let myself start to give up, and let go.
Slowly fading in and out, almost gone.

Slowly becoming nothing, a faded memory.
No longer alive, yet I'm not dead yet.
Slowly my life just ends, bleeding out.
Slowly fading into the past, never to feel again.