Feeling Worthless

You don't see how much you're hurting me
I want you to be happy
I'll do anything for you
Even if you don't like me back
You're everything to me

Some people may say many bad things about you
But I always will stick up for you
You're are the meaning to my life
Even if you don't know it yet

You're the one thing I look forward in life
Everything I ever want to make happy
Gad you don't know how much you torture me
Trying to find that perfect person
When you don't know that person is right in front of you

I don't care if you ever know
As long as you're happy
I'm happy
I love seeing you smile
And your laugh

Just remember that I'll always be there for you no matter what
I'll try and comfort you
I'll do my best
I will always be there for you...