The War

Awoken in the night
Amidst the sirens and flashing light
Finding way through darkness
Will there ever be happiness?
Led to the basement down below
Afraid, I call out, “hello?”
No response.
“Don’t be afraid,” came my mother’s response
How can I when she so obviously was?
From outside, in the air, I hear a buzz.
It continues, coming closer
Closer, closer closer –
BOOM. The first of the bombs has dropped
It continued, it never stopped.
Down and down they came
The buildings going up in flame
My dad was upstairs, watching the news
Searching for clues
As to where the next bomb will come.
I heard another hum
This one landed near
I shivered and cried and fear
The glass of the windows shattered
The metal door of the roof battered
What were we to do now?
“Escape,” but how?
Got in the car
With mom and dad, drive over not very far
Grandma’s house is safer.
I definitely feel that way, safer.
Feeling better with the rest of the family
Maybe things will end happily
We’ll survive this.
We’ll get through this.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i hope u guys like it. it's meant for a class thing, but hey, there's no wrong in posting it up.