
She smiles like that long-forgotten summer.
Reminisce in the dark modern winter -
Walking, hands laced together, carefree.
No one could ever hurt us back then.
Disapproving looks, barely-hidden insults
They meant nothing, glancing off our skins.
We used to lie like that - skin on skin. Matching
Breath for quivering breath; heartbeat for heartbeat.
We still curl up and press together, sleeping.
Worrying about a life without each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
If the girl this is to could read this, they would know it was for them. Sad thing being, they won't read it because they don't have Mibba. And I'm too cowardly to put it somewhere they might see it, even though she was the one who first said outloud that we were soulmates.