A Perfect Winter Night

The light outside was turning soft and
the colors were beginning to mesh together.
A light blue fading into a sliver of pink and
then turning into a vibrant orange.
All the trees are bare now, and
the thigh-high comforter of white.
All the windows were aglow with
the shimmering flame of the candles,
There is only one light outside,
shining bright for all to see,
but none of the passerbys seem to notice.
The sky is becoming bluer by the minute and
soon that lamp post will be the only aid for sight.
The candles are starting to burn out as the darkest hour
threatens to take over, there is only one left.
Its flame flickers, but still hols its own against the night.
The crisp air now has a sinister chill to it,
Can you feel it, can you feel this night closing in around us?
The once noble oaks now stand out to terrify.
The sky above, now a grayish white,
has little specs of bright light struggling,
to be seen through the hazy night life.
Everything brought together to create a masterpiece in nature.
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