Jersey Girl

I never wanted to fall for you.
You honestly took me by surprise.
I wish I had seen you coming,
But love comes in a clever disguise.

You came in my life with guarded steps.
And I figured you were just shy.
If only I'd known and seen the signs.
I wouldn't have let you just walk right on by.

You ripped my heart out of my chest.
With that fancy pen of yours.
I took you for a good girl,
But now you're worse then em street whores.

I put on this mask of false facade
For all the damn world to see.
Not understanding this pain inside,
Brings out the bitch in me.

I swore to myself I hated you.
And tried convincing you as well.
But it's hard to cover up the scar
Left from that time I fell.

How can I stand on the sidelines
And watch him hold your hand?
I gotta do what I gotta do.
Surely you of all people should understand.

I don't wanna let you go.
But I'm the one pushing you away.
You asked me why I still care,
I don't know what I'm supposed to say.

I love you, damn it, I do.
Haven't I made it clear enough?
Or do you just wish to shoot me again,
With your bullshitet of love?

Oh, to love and lose seems kind of harsh,
But to never love at all is...
I know if I had the chance to go back,
It wouldn't make a difference.

Because if not then,
Maybe some other time.
No matter what happens,
You were meant to be mine.

For however long is up to us.
If we push aside our pride.
Baby, just get close to me,
Until our worlds collide.

Woah oh oh,
Woah oh oh...

19/01/11 9:56PM
♠ ♠ ♠
Get Close To Me.
Until Our Worlds Collide. <3