poems for english class

-poem one-

I am always right
if you only knew
how much that statement is true
the last word is always mine
if you take it you are no friend of mine
if you are smart you will see
being right is important to me

-poem two-

boxing,fighting,and wrestling for i am against
confrontation for me would not be a good defense
if someone has a problem with me
i am too scared to deal with it physically
if someone tried to hurt me i could not fight back
because of all the strength that i lack

-poem three-

reading is something i love to do
if you knew me, you'd know this to be true
reading is a good past time
even though you learn in the mean time
writing is a good way to explore your mind
and get in touch with your imaginitive side
if you can paint yourself a picture while you read
it can be better than a movie

answer to poem one...

always right for i am not
very wrong am i a lot
it's more important to find out the truth
than to demand people just believe you
as for the last word that i do not own
you can have it if you desire it so

answer to poem two...

oh, how foolish are you to believe
that this could ever describe me
i'm not confrontational this is true
but it's probably because i have nothing to prove
if you think i am too scared
it's probably because i do not care

answer to poem three...
this poem is correct =)
but you probably already figured that out given
what site we are on and the others were false
... so tell me what you think but please don't be too critical
after all i did write this for class and i didn't spend much time on it