Just go

When that day came when we both new
There was nothing more we could do
You whent your way, I sulked my way
We both knew are paths might cross one day
We never thought it would be so soon

You saw me, and I saw you
Those old feelings creeped there way back in
I tried to run, I tried to look away
But you ran toward me faster
You looked at me closer

What could I say the boy who pushed me away was back again
I tried to ignore you
But everytime you were more and more persitant
So I caved, I fell to my knees once again

A while later those feelings from the begning came back again
I tried to leave them in the closet with the rest of my memories
They kept sneaking there way back in just like you

I soon noticed a patern you, and your lies were tied together
Every time I would push either of you away
You both were coming back
So now all I'm left to say is just go...