
What point is there if you just sit,

Like a pristine doll upon your seat.

And look upon the world so vast and not see its wonder?

How can you stare with your bright blue eyes and not yern

to be free amongst the trees and birds

To soar as far and wide as a new born bird, unfurling its wings for the first time?

I take in life, I hold on to it with reaching grasp.

And pluck its fruitss from its suple trees.

I breeth deep and swim with the unknown creatures of the deep.

I am a explorer of the unknown, I am a goddess amongst the vast everlasting green.

I am illusive I am the world and all it breathes

Some try to stifle me, to tear at me with harsh words and looks.

"You must behave" they say

"You need to calm down" they scream

No, I am as high as the sky and as beautiful and reackless as the sea.

A storm amongst my enemies and a danger amongst men.

I am a dieti, I am a godesse I am a Preistess

I am me