
If dreams weren't dreams
and dreams came true
I wouldn't be here
I would be next to you
Distance is one thing that keeps us apart
But you will always remain close to my heart

Everything about you is so sweet
Someone like you everyone wishes to meet
It is hard to find someone so kind
Your name will never ever grow old
Its engraved in my heart in letters of gold

I'm just another face in the crowd
But when everyone fades away...
I'll still be here for you.

How many more signs must it take
How much more effort must i make
Im still fighting and going to wait
Because waiting for you is my fate

A million questions
A million fears
All unaswered when your not here

A crazy life id make without you
Mistakes for life id make withut you
I know my love is real and true

Because im still waiting just for you
Everyday is one step closer
Yet it seems like one step further
But now no words can express

My emotions a big mess
I hate this love thats brought us pain
i hate this feeling of no gain
i want to make everything clear
without you i will always fear
♠ ♠ ♠
not personal about me...just a poem i made up about long distance lovers