
Oh, Mother, where are you now?
You should be here to see me smile,
You should see me today,
I don't waste them away,
But now now,
No, never now.

I remember those days in the summer,
You would, laugh and play with me,
We would play with my toys,
Talk about all the boys,
Oh, did you have to go away?
Why did you have to go away?

Oh, Mother, where are you now?
You should wipe these tears away,
Can I have you back for just one day?
But not now,
No, never now.

You're not going to see me grow up,
Graduate and leave this school,
Daddy always said,
That you used to bend the rules,
Now you'll never see me smile,
Never wipe these tears away,
But I don't mind,
I don't mind.

'Cause, Mother, I know,
You're in a better place,
You're not in pain,
And I will see you again,
But not now,
No, never now.

Can you see who I've become?
Can you see what Daddy's done?
Are you proud?
You should be proud.

These days she don't drift on by,
She is, flying high,
And she is free,
She is free,
Just now,
Oh, Right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heck, this sounds great with the piano accompaniament. I wish I could upload that too. This is for one of my best friends whos mum passed away a few years ago due to cancer. My friend has been strong through these years a dn is moving on with her life. Please, do not criticise this although all nice comments are welcome! Thanks, Natti. :)