Puppet Master

You treat people as your toys
there only there for you entertainment
once you get bored of someone you toss them aside carelessly
Still claiming to care for them but you just toss them aside
is that all we are just your play things
keeping them...keeping us in the back of your closet
tossed carelessly on your bed
you use us from time to time
your much more then just a user
your a puppet master
bending us to your will
he will get bored of you too one day
he will toss you aside and you will wonder why
but your a smart girl
you wont linger on it long
but i'm a fool
i stay around a loyal kitty cat just always there for your amusement
for you to abuse
make this broken girl completely empty
make her dance and shape shift into what you want her to be
you act like the all knowing puppet master
when you toss me aside i see you for what you really are
for what you can be
but when you decide that i'm fun to play with again
you brain wash me
you fill me with glee
you make me feel happy
you make me feel like someone finally sees me...for me
But this isn't about me my dear
this is about a manipulative puppet master who seems to always have the sun...shining on him