Lost Loves Will Remember It, Too

When I'm with him,
it feels like I'm floating on air
a feeling that only loved ones understand.
The ones with lost love
will remember it, too.
When he put his arm around me
and pulled me close
until I could smell nothing but him,
see nothing but his smile,
feeling nothing but his gaze,
heavy on my shoulders,
weighing me down to earth.
When I'm with him,
just the thought of him
makes my face break into a smile,
a smile only loved ones understand.
The ones with lost love
will remember it, too.
A million butterflies soaring in my stomach
and I can't breathe or speak
or move or talk
or think or cry
because I am genuinely happy
for the first time in forever.
When I'm with him,
nothing else matters
and all my problems are washed away
when he pulls me close
into a hug,
a hug that crunches me up in a good way
and makes my skin tingle with excitement,
electricity running through my veins.
A shivering feeling that
only loved ones understand.
The ones with lost love
will remember it, too.
When my phone buzzes,
I leap forward,
praying for it to be him,
the one whispering to me through his fingers,
loving me through his words.
I am shaking,
not with fear,
but pure excitement,
shivering, tingling, bouncing inside
and my heart whispers to be with him,
just to see him would satisfy the hunger
he has created
deep within me.
A hunger that only loved ones can understand.
The ones with lost love
will remember it, too.
The jacket I wore when you hugged me
for the first time,
the one that holds your scent,
wrapped in the arms,
I will never wash.
Fireworks explode inside my chest,
bursting bright colors,
the rest of my body disappeared unexpectedly.
The feeling of love,
butterflies in the morning,
fireworks in the afternoon,
full-blown electricity by night,
is a feeling only loved ones can understand.
The ones with lost love
will remember it, too.