The Aftereffect

The sun used to shine,
But now all it does is rain.
You left me alone here,
And now my soul is dying.
The thoughts that enter my mind,
Scare even myself,
Not that you would care.

I can't fall asleep anymore,
Because thoughts of you and me,
Now not only plague my reality,
But my dreams as well.

You have a new girl now,
And I can't seem to see straight anymore.
You tell me how you got together,
Only two days after we last kissed.
I cry only harder as I realize,
My life and my world are gone.

What can I do,
Now that there's nothing left.
I wish I could go back,
And find what happened to us.
Yet, you seem perfectly fine and happy,
When I fall to pieces.

I want you back,
But you seem happy without me.
So instead I lay here with no soul,
Nothing but a corpse with dull eyes,
Holding onto a picture of use for dear life.