A book of woes

Within the confines of these pages
Are writen words of many stages

Some are upbeat, most are down
They'll make you smile, and make you frown

I would kindly ask for you to leave
If you are feint of heart or scare easily

The words I print are pure emotion
If released to the public could cause comotion

A select few will will see this book
Because only they will know how to look

And see these words and know they're true
And see the beauty, however askew

Some people dont get it, they won't understand
They don't know what I've been through, so I know that they can't

I have tried to warn you, but you choose to read on
So i wish you good luck, untill luck is all gone

I hope you aren't scared by the words I lay down
So begin your new journey through the world I have found